Ever wanted to learn more about yoga & the different styles?
Whether you’re totally new to yoga or already attend classes, this workshop takes things back to basics. Learn the fundamentals,
meet people, and try out different styles with "mini" classes.
During this 2-hour workshop we will:
guide you through the basic principles of yoga, including breath-work, movement & meditation.
discuss & try out some of the different styles of yoga to help you establish which class will be most suitable for you,
including ashtanga, vinyasa & yin.
teach you a range of poses & simple sequences that you can practice at home.
explore modifications to help you develop a safe & comfortable practice for your own body.
end with a short guided meditation.
Don’t worry, we'll take things slowly & have a couple of tea breaks!
Everything will be broken down step-by-step from the moment you walk into the studio.
TIME: 1400-1600
DATE: Sunday 22nd March
Price: £15
Tell us what you want!
We are always looking for new ideas for workshops & classes, so share your thoughts!
And if you've like to run a workshop at our lovely studio then please get in touch.