A dynamic set sequence of poses, including sun salutations, synchronising movement & breath.
Great for overall fitness, strength building & flexibility. Suitable for all levels.
We teach a Modified Ashtanga, more suited to the Western body & less likely to cause injury.
A flowing style, incorporating a range of poses & movements linked through creative sequences.
A great fun all-round practice, allowing you to try a range of poses. Suitable for all levels.
A therapeutic class, focusing on stretching & relaxing the muscles, in order to release the fascia connective tissues. Practiced in a darkened room, sometimes with candles. Poses are held for 3-5 minutes, using props & blankets.
A newer style of yoga, fast-paced & dynamic, rooted in Ashtanga. Rocket incorporates some of the more playful & challenging asanas such as handstands & arm balances. A more advanced practice, not suitable for beginners but great for a western body and life.
The best way to get you started.
Rooted in Ashtanga, with a focus on breaking down basic poses & sun salutations.
A good mix of breathing exercises & movement.
One of the most popular styles of Yoga in the West, and a great all-round practice.
Slower-paced than Ashtanga or Vinyasa, and focusing on a range of poses. Suitable for beginners. Great developing your mind, body and soul.
A unique class to Loti Yoga & aimed at everyone!
The definition of Calisthenics is 'gymnastics exercise to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement.'
Whether you want to get flexible, work towards splits or just improve your body's general range of movement. This class is specifically designed to develop your body in the way it needs.
This class will greatly help your yoga practice, enhance any sports you participate in as well as supporting your body for your everyday life.
A yoga class aimed at those with injuries, limitations & older people. Gentle movements, with lots of seated poses, focusing on mobility, relaxation & recovery. Suitable for beginners.
At Loti we love being upside down. We want to pass that love onto you.
If you want to learn handstands, headstands, pincha & anything upside down, this is the class for you!
A fun class with an emphasis on inversions. We will focus on developing your confidence, strength, flexibility, mobility and balance.
Not suitable for beginners, but you certainly don't have to be able to to a handstand to join in.